
Showing posts from March, 2024

TV: Industry contexts

Television industry contexts: Blog tasks Independent: British viewers can't get enough of foreign-language dramas Read this  Independent feature on foreign-language dramas . If the website is blocked or forcing you to register  you can access the text of the article here . It features an in-depth interview with Walter Iuzzolino who curates Channel 4's Walter Presents programming. Answer the questions below: 1) What does the article suggest regarding the traditional audience for foreign-language subtitled media?  The article suggest that some p eople might think you're weird for liking foreign language dramas, even though they're popular now . 2) What does Walter Iuzzolino suggest is the key appeal of his 'Walter Presents' shows? Walter luzzolino suggest that the key appeal is that he has partnerships with other tv shows such as Channel 4 and global sales network. 3) The article makes an interesting claim for the popularity of subtitles in the multi-screen age. W...

Postmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog tasks

  Postmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog tasks Media Magazine -  A Postmodern Reimagining of the Past Media Magazine 73 has a feature exploring Deutschland 83 as a postmodern media product. Read ‘Deutschland 83 - A Postmodern Reimagining of the Past’ in MM73  (p18). You'll  find our Media Magazine archive here  - remember you'll need your Greenford Google login to access. Answer the following questions: 1) What were the classic media representations of the Cold War? Representations of Cold War-era Germany often fit  a stereotypical binary ‘good vs evil’  The Cold War – the state of tension and  hostility between the Soviet bloc countries  and the West from 1945 to 1990 – has inspired  a series of film and media texts within the spy  genre. 2) Why does Deutschland 83 provide a particularly good example for postmodern analysis?  The spy  genre was a staple of 70s television, most notably on the  BBC – Codena...

Television industry contexts

Television industry contexts: Blog tasks To finish our work on television, we need to complete some tasks exploring industry contexts around foreign-language TV, the changing audience for television and how streaming impacts the way audiences consume TV. Indeed, when answering these questions, consider the issues from both an  audience  and  industry  perspective. Independent: British viewers can't get enough of foreign-language dramas Read this  Independent feature on foreign-language dramas . If the website is blocked or forcing you to register  you can access the text of the article here . It features an in-depth interview with Walter Iuzzolino who curates Channel 4's Walter Presents programming. Answer the questions below: 1) What does the article suggest regarding the traditional audience for foreign-language subtitled media? -Its states that people will assume and quietly declared you as pretentious, dull and, possibly, a little odd whe...

Postmodernism & Deutschland 83

P ostmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog tasks Media Magazine -  A Postmodern Reimagining of the Past Media Magazine 73 has a feature exploring Deutschland 83 as a postmodern media product. Read ‘Deutschland 83 - A Postmodern Reimagining of the Past’ in MM73  (p18). You'll  find our Media Magazine archive here  - remember you'll need your Greenford Google login to access. Answer the following questions: 1) What were the classic media representations of the Cold War? - "The classic media representations of Cold War-era Germany often fit a stereotypical binary ‘good vs evil’ The Cold War – the state of tension and hostility between the Soviet bloc countries and the West from 1945 to 1990 has inspired a series of film and media texts within the spy genre. These texts often present the East and West as binary opposites through codes and conventions. The communist East is presented grey and stark, no billboards, culture or entertainment and strict limitati...

Marxism & hegemony: blog tasks

Marxism & hegemony: blog tasks Task 1: Mail Online review of Capital 1) Re-read the  Mail Online review of  Capital . Why does it suggest that  Capital  features a left-wing ideology? As there are different types of characters  and showing equality in the scene. 2) Choose  three  quotes from the review that are particularly critical of  Capital  and paste them into your blogpost. Do you agree with the criticisms? Why? 'The Polish builder had a heart of gold and his Hungarian girlfriend was as honest as Mother Teresa.': How they feel empathy toward immagrants to not b hateted on by the british. 3) What scenes or characters from  Capital  could be read as promoting left-wing ideology? The scene was when the Kamal family were working in their shop when they see Quatrina and are worried for her and care about her well-being shows that they see everyone equally. 4) What about the other side of the argument - are there any aspects of...

Deutschland 83: case study

  Deutschland 83 : case study blog tasks Introduction: Reviews and features Read the following reviews and features on  Deutschland 83 : The Guardian - Your next box set: Deutschland 83 The Guardian - Deutschland 83 Pity the Germans don't like it 1) Find one positive aspect and one criticism of  Deutschland 83  in the reviews. It  was riddled with very silly inaccuracies, which were required for the plot to work; and it was on at the same time as the Voice 2) Why does the second Guardian article suggest the Germans didn't like the show?  Focusing the story around Martin Rauch, a young East German border guard going undercover in the west, it doesn’t just make the viewer empathise with a Stasi agent on a human level – in the way The Lives of Others did – it makes us engage with the socialist regime’s worldview  3) Find three 'below the line' comments from either of the Guardian articles. What did the audience think of  Deutschland 83 ? Do you agree...