
Showing posts from October, 2023

Sound video


Sound analysis: blog tasks

  Sound analysis: blog tasks 1) Find a film clip on YouTube that uses sound in an interesting way. Analyse the use of sound, making sure you use the key language we have learned about sound in film: Diegetic and non-diegetic sound Parallel and contrapuntal sound Sound bridges Remember to discuss/analyse all the different types of sound present in the clip: Music Dialogue Voiceover Sound effects opening scene from Edgar Wright's  Baby Driver: You also need to  highlight  or put in  bold  any use of media language. From the opening scene from Edgar Wrights Baby Driver  the realistic sound such as:the car engine and the music from the iPod are all diegetic sounds.the background music is in fact non-diegetic as only the audience could hear it as it gives the audience a energetic vibe to the scene. The paralelle sound atched the car actionswith the music beat as its smooth together and the music also stands out at the same time rather than the regular sound...

Nightcrawler (2014) - Lou Bloom Witnesses Stringers Record Footage Of A ...

1) Still image analysis Look at the still images on slides 33-37 of the Film Language Powerpoint linked above. Copy the images into your blog and answer the following questions for  each  image: Identify examples of  high  and  low-key  lighting. Say which depict  top ,  back  or  under lighting . What  effects  are created by the lighting in each image?       1.Low key lighting. 2.Under lighting. 3.A s the lighting mainly hits her face its give us a mysterious effect as we cant se whats around her. 1.High key lighting. 2.The background lighting is strong and clear. 3.The strong back light helps blur the irrelevant background and helps makes the main person stand out. 1.Low key lighting . 2.Heavy background light . 3.The strong background light help analyse the main person as you can see him and his features and outfit clearly. 1.High key lighting. 2.There was lighting from the top. 3.The lighting from the t...

Mise-en-scene recreation: Learner response

Mise-en-scene recreation: Learner response Create a new blogpost called ' Mise-en-scene video feedback and learner response '. Make sure your completed recreation video is uploaded to YouTube and embedded in the blogpost. 1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full. This is a good recreation that meets the brief. Picking a school-based scene made sense and I like the way you’ve deliberately picked locations in the school to match as closely as you could to the original clip. Co-ordinating a recreation with five actors is not easy – either in organisation or camerawork! You’ve done well to recreate some of those shots effectively. In terms of mise-en-scene, there are two key aspects to learn from this experience. Firstly, costume (including shoes) communicates a huge amount about character and the shoes in your opening to the clip could have matched the original closer (which links to the stereotypes that the original film plays with). Similarly, casting and costume could...