Statement of Intent feedback and learner response.
Comments for AQA:
- This statement offers a strong music video concept that is well thought out and meets the brief. Video element is clearly stronger than level 2 but the lack of any print element and weaker representation section keeps this in the lower levels.
- Media language elements are considered for the music video in a strong first section although it could offer slightly more specific elements of media language and their potential connotations.
- Representation is not really addressed in this statement – it’s largely a repetition of the initial concept and stereotypes and theories are not included here. If anything, this section seems more focused on audience than representations which keeps this in level 2.
- Audience is addressed but the audience section seems to repeat elements of the concept section (and then later again in representation). This also keeps it in level 2.
- Media industries and digital convergence addressed briefly towards end but – strong for convergence but could offer more industry context / justification for top levels.
- Print element of brief is missing entirely which naturally keeps this in the lower levels.
- This starts brilliantly with a strong music video concept that feels like it meets the brief. The challenge now is getting the statement to the top levels by adding the missing elements.
- For Media language, this is currently a strength for the video but perhaps you could select certain specific shots or elements of media language that are going to be crucial in the video? Overall this is not a major issue though.
- Think about layout for your statement – perhaps consider some additional subheadings / bullet points in places. This may help save you words in the word count too. The key element of statements of intent is ‘how’ or ‘why’. What are you trying to communicate to the audience? Avoiding repetition is also very important with such a tricky word limit.
- Audience needs looking at – it feels a bit repetitive from the concept section. I would also return to the brief and make sure you are addressing that. Can you bring in theory too?
- Representation is the key weakness – you have a section on this but it doesn’t really focus on representation or stereotypes. Think about how you can develop this and bring in some theories too.
- Print brief is missing completely - go back to this in January to add this when you have done the print research and planning tasks.
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